Monday, June 2, 2014

The Story Behind the Geocaching Project

Background story: A friend of mine gave me a travel book.  My idea is to hide the best parts of this book in the form of geocaches in the places I visit.  I'm doing this by including favorite quotes and images in my hidden cache. I could say that I'm paying it forward, but that would be a lie. This project  really only fuels my wanderlusting activities.
What is geocaching?: It is a scavenger hunt of the 21st century! You look up the posted geocaches that are in your location by using GPS-enabled devices. After you navigate to the provided coordinates, you try to figure out where the cache (or treasure) is hidden based on the provided clues. It's alot of fun and great to do with a group of people.  The clues range in difficulty and can lead a scavenger to special places. Whatever the process, finding the cache is rewarding. To find out more, click here.

Why I am not posting this on the geocaching site?: So, the truth is... I tried. The geocaching site has specific criteria for people to adhere to in order to post coordinates of the hidden cache. Because I am doing this as a traveler, I will not be able to check up on the caches that I hide as often as they would like. Because of this, I do not have a way of maintaining what I hide or making sure that it does not move, get damaged, or that someone removes it entirely.  I respect their approach, but the site is not made for serial cachers like myself.

My plan: I am back in China for an Internship in Shanghai. I plan to travel within China, and I will be meeting incredible boyfriend in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. What this means is there are many opportunities to leave a geocache behind!! I will upload coordinates, and describe where I am and what I am experiencing in this blog. So, if you are curious, you can look up the location
on apps like Google Earth and see what I am talking about, seeing, hearing. I will describe what the treasure is in my blog and will leave it for a local, or a fellow traveler to (hopefully) find one day.  Essentially, I am trying to connect readers to what I am experiencing, while sharing something that is special to me with a stranger that stumbles upon the cache.